Someone from penang umno made a comment during the permatang pauh by election and later he was bashed and criticised by political leaders from both bn and pr....a quite heavy pressure were mounted against umno and its leader to punish the man and we all know the ending in which the verdict was not in favour of the malays.
2 weeks ago gerakan wanita chief made similar statement and this time she claimed that the malays too were immigrant and of course there were some angry malays who were not very happy with her statement.
strangely ...gerakan leaders and other non malays party both in bn and pr did not behaved like they did when the umno man made his statement,infact these so called anti racial political hero clearly bias towards the incident involving a statement made by the wanita chief that may cause unhealthy situation to the malays......they keep mumm.....why is that so ?
but what more obviously surprised was that the umno who led the bn did not even demand apology from the related parties when the statement made can be considered humilating the malays.all we heard from ministers n political leaders was a small and mild reminder......which was not even match the fiery objection from the other party when umno members made same statement.
only umno leaders knew the reason on why this issue were taken seems like umno feared something....and if it is....what is it ? does it not umno had too many big sins ? what are the thing they fear ? were umno leaders weight the malays sensivity ? or they just plain brain coward ?
the malays expect more realistic action againsts those who practice stragtegic provocative politics and they certainly expect fair treatment for all malaysian and they hope the malay leaders can realise these important facts and at the same time the malay people also expected the non malay political leaders from both faction to at least understand the true meaning of mutual respect and mutual understanding.
to all politician....go a head and fight among yourself and please leave the rakyat out of your political objective.we the rakyat have no problem with each other....we all live in harmony until you politician use us for your own benefit......get lost.......
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