The hindraf issue................some action is vital....immediately...dont waste time....they practice castism among them..its their culture and yet they blame umno......they discriminate among them and they again blame the malays and umno....they exploit..manipulate..their own unfortunate for their own benefit and again they blame umno.....
too many things they did unneccasarily.....unlawful.......disrespect peace and order....slander.....etc.etc......lets do it...act fast......faster than fast.....we have no reason to has been too much to consume.
its their supreme leaders that let them down.....the only leader who condemn hindraf before election and suddenly supporting them after he lost he wanted to be seen as heroes to the people he condemned...he who we all know.....he hehehehe......
now he says..he wants Inter Racial Council.........?????? he wants it.....we dont want it cause we dont need one need malaysian need it....we are all live in harmony and we all respect our culture and we all know how to stabilise unfavour situation created by arrogant politician.
we rakyat have better quality of thinking...we had our credibility to find best solution in case of any situation....we do not welcome chaos.....we do not condone political manipulation.......we know how to think for the best of national interest. we respect each other highly.
we rakyat understand the true meaning of unity.....we practice harmony among cultures and people....we do not tolerate oppourtunist. we can compromise when situation required and we expect the leaders to learn from us.